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Bachelor’s programme

Business, Digitalisation, and Business Development

Mo i Rana

Programme description

Working life needs employees who have the knowledge, skills, and courage to realize new business opportunities and make better decisions. With this bachelor's degree, you will gain the knowledge you need to identify - and develop - the many opportunities that follow in the wake of increased digitization. The education will give you opportunities to take on leading positions, both in the public and in the private sector.

You will meet dedicated and very knowledgeable lecturers who, through interaction with students, will shed light on economics, digitization and business development - from both marketing, security and innovation perspectives.

Career opportunities

The bachelor's degree extends widely in the fields of economics, digitalization, and business development. Our graduate students will be well equipped to enter interesting and varied positions both in business and in the public sector. Developing organizations have a great need for economists with digital expertise. Candidates from this bachelor may, for example, be relevant for the banking and finance industry, or companies in the travel and retail industry.

Upon successful completion of this programme, candidates qualify to apply for admission to relevant master degree programmes at Nord University as well as other educational institutions in Norway and abroad.
No tuition fees. Costs for semester registration and course literature apply.

Hyller Mo i Rana som studentby

Han så egentlig for seg å flytte for å ta høyere utdanning. Men så poppet det opp en annonse om drømmestudiet i egen heimby. Det ble perfekt for David Bjørsvik.