Emnebeskrivelse for 2024/25
Ledelse av innovasjon for bærekraft
Emnebeskrivelse for 2024/25

Ledelse av innovasjon for bærekraft

Innovation is a crucial tool for addressing sustainability challenges, and the research fields of innovation and sustainability have often converged. This course explores the umbrella concept of 'innovation for sustainability' (IFS), its different perspectives, opportunities, challenges and management.
This course explores the concept and practice of Innovation for Sustainability (IFS) in different contexts and paradigms. It covers various aspects of IFS, such as worldviews, practices, sustainability impacts, partnerships, multi-leveled innovations, methods and management. The course mainly focuses on three empirical contexts (tentatively) - tourism and experiences; local food and alternative food systems; and fish farming - but the core content is also relevant for other sectors. The course will analyze the sustainability challenges and opportunities, as well as the approaches and outcomes, in these contexts. The course will also discuss the increasing problems of spatial pressure and local conflicts. As the cross-sectoral and stakeholder challenges grow, finding new ways to collaborate in IFS is essential, not only in Norway but worldwide. There is no single solution for this issue, but it is very urgent to address it in careful ways.
Emnet er åpent primært for studenter på studieprogrammet Master of Science in Business og på Master i Global ledelse. Det er også åpent som enkelt kurs for studenter med relevant bachelor grad.

Upon successful completion of this course, students should have developed the following competencies:


Advanced knowledge, as well as the ability to use and analyze knowledge/issues within the following topis:

- Paradigms for innovation of sustainability, their characteristics, value, management implications and key knowledge gaps. These include paradigms such as neo-liberal economy, ecological economy, regenerative, nudging (behavioral economics), indigenous and relational perspectives.

- Perspectives on sustainability within the three main empirical contexts. The challenges, potentials and approaches used in IFS within these contexts.

- Stakeholder theory, partnerships and participative methods in innovation and IFS. These cover network-driven innovation, lab-driven innovation, utopia-workshops and dialogues, management of and facilitation for open participative (co-creation) innovation/IFS processes.

- Causes and implications of spatial pressures and conflicts across sectors and stakeholder groups, and strategies to prevent escalation while promoting collaboration and coexistence.

- Examples of strategies used in IFS at different levels (e.g. product, process, organizational, business models, community), and new concepts such as workation/remote work and co-working spaces.

Skills: Upon completing the course, the candidate can:

- Work with innovative solutions for sustainability in various contexts, sectors and levels of governance.

- Design, implement and evaluate participatory and collaborative methods for IFS, such as conducting a lab process with stakeholders.

- Analyze, critique and discuss the main challenges and opportunities for sustainability and IFS within and across sectors and levels of analysis, and their implications for management.

General competence: The candidate can:

- To acquire and apply relevant research-based knowledge within the course topics, and communicate about it.

- To participate effectively in work with sustainability and innovation for sustainability.

Utover semesteravgift og pensumlitteratur forutsettes det at studenten disponerer en bærbar datamaskin.
This is a theoretical course that is mandatory for students who are pursuing the specialization ‘Marketing and Management in Change’. It is also an elective course for students who are enrolled in other specializations of the Master of Science in Business Administration program or in the Master in Global Management program.
Kurset er basert på aktiv studentmedvirkning i klasserommet. Det forventes derfor fysisk oppmøte. Det legges vekt på læring med utgangspunkt i forelesninger, diskusjoner samt innleveringsoppgaver. Som del av spesialiseringen vil det bli arrangert bedriftsekskursjon som er obligatorisk for alle studentene. Du skal jobbe med et innovasjonsprosjekt i gruppe, der teori og praksis kombineres, og hvor du kan velge fordypning i en av de tre hovedindustriene.
Studieprogrammet evalueres årlig av studentene gjennom emneevalueringer og studieprogramevaluering. Evalueringene inngår som en del av universitetets kvalitetssikringssystem.
The final grade is based on two components: a portfolio exam (50%) in group (3-4 students) and an oral exam (50%) individually. The portfolio exam is an innovation project with two subparts. There are two mandatory requirements: 1) You must attend the visit to firm(s) and 2) participate in the facilitation of one co-creation when this is included in the innovation project.

Alle relevante hjelpemidler tillatt på mappeeksamen, men alle kilder må oppgis. På muntlig eksamen kan kandidaten ha med seg rapporten fra innovasjonscaset, ellers ingen hjelpemidler. Å generere besvarelse ved hjelp av ChatGPT eller lignende kunstig intelligens og levere den helt eller delvis som egen besvarelse er å regne som fusk.