Midtseminar for Sumaya Jui, stipendiat ph.d. i profesjonsvitenskap

Midtseminar for Sumaya Jui, stipendiat ph.d. i profesjonsvitenskap

Arbeidstittel på avhandlingen

« HUNT-4-HOPE_The Women’s Heart Study »

En kort beskrivelse av prosjektet

Heart disease, traditionally perceived as a men’s disease, affects women to a similar extent. Awareness is growing, yet nearly half of women acknowledge it as their top health threat. Diagnosis and treatment for women trail behind men's, influenced by cardiovascular research's historical male bias. In Norway, research on heart conditions affecting women specifically is also limited. This Ph.D. project focuses on examining sex-specific differences in heart structure and function, as well as the impact of pregnancy-related factors on women's hearts, utilizing data from the Health Survey of Northern Trøndelag (HUNT) study and Norwegian national health registers. The project's outcomes are expected to improve knowledge of women's cardiovascular health, informing healthcare practices and advancing prevention and treatment protocols toward advanced-guideline-driven treatment for women's heart disease.


Tirsdag 18.juni kl 12:00 – 15:00




Fysisk seminar i Auditorium 8 Gerhard Schøning, Campus Bodø

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