Our TN should provide impetus to global blue economy discussions and related efforts to develop the blue economy as novel concept for the sustainable governance and management of the world’s oceans. As such, we aim to provide for a better understanding of what the Arctic blue economy actually is, and how the blue Arctic could serve as a potential blue print for the sustainable development of our global oceans.
BlueArctic builds on the AlaskaNor project idea of assessing blue economic collaboration potentials between Alaska and North Norway and the already established contacts made via this project.
BlueArctic aims to go beyond AlaskaNor and envisages to bring together academics and researchers from within and beyond the Arctic, as well as different academic fields to discuss and debate the ‘blue economy’ from both a conceptual and practical perspective.
What is the blue economy? Who defines the blue economy? What are its Arctic specifics? What can we learn from the Arctic blue example for the global implementation of the blue economy?
We also aim to promote the TN outside the Arctic region and for that reason will further include and reach out to an international group of key experts in the broad field of ocean and blue economy. Moreover, BlueArctic will also build on the project coordinator’s established contacts via his participation in the Arctic Economic Council Blue Economy Working Group.
As the TN will aim to develop, promote and disseminate knowledge related to the Arctic blue economy, we will establish a foundation for TN activities by first learning from existing experience by talking to academics who are involved in such projects in the circumpolar area, as well as internationally. Hence, we aim to establish a specific Blue Arctic Academic Dialogue, as a workshop (side-event) of the High North Dialogue conferences 2022 and 2023 in Bodø, Norway. This will allow to promote academic interest in order to recruit a wide number of relevant institutional participants.
Second, and based on understanding on the current situation and needs, we will map the demand for new educational programs, courses and/or workshops (by making surveys and roundtable discussion/focus group interviews with practitioners/users in each country).
Third, we will also analyse the potential sources of funding for joint research, education and development projects both internationally and in each partner country related to blue economic developments.
Fourth, and based on the discussion with the project partners, we will develop a TN strategy statement highlighting the focus areas/priorities of the TN – both in terms of development, research and educational programs.
Finally, we will explore opportunities to establish a specific Blue Arctic Stakeholder Dialogue in connection with the High North Dialogue conference 2023 in Bodø, Norway, in cooperation with the Arctic Economic Council’s Blue Economy Working Group. The Stakeholder Dialogue will allow for both academics and practitioners to discuss the blue economy from various angles.
- Arctic Economic Council (AEC)
- Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources & Security (ANCORS)
- Center for the Blue Economy - Middlebury Institute of International Studies
- Department of Management, Society and Communication - Copenhagen Business School
- East China Normal University
- Fridtjof Nansen Institutt
- Innovasjon Norge
- Institute of the North
- Korea Maritime Institute
- Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Nord Universittet
- University Centre of the Westfjords
- The Arctic Institute - Center for Circumpolar Security Studies
- University of Alaska Anchorage
Our Thematic Network (TN) on the Blue Economy and the Arctic (TN BlueArctic) aims to uncover the conceptual and practical application of the ‘blue economy’, in particular its regional sidekick: the circumpolar ‘blue economy’.