– We are really proud of this one

Førsteammanuensis Elena Dybtsyna gestikulerer og snakker med Kronprins Haakon på en stand under konferanse
– We are really proud of this one
The High North Center launches new brochure you can use in emails, on the web, on mobile and in print.

This article is more than one year old.

The brochure, which describes the centre's work in a clear and elegant way, was created in collaboration with the company JS.

– We are really proud of this one, says Communication Advisor Hogne Bø Pettersen.

– The brochure was entirely financed in by advertisements from collaboration partners and others who work with the Arctic and the High North. The editorial content and photos were provided by us. JS then put this together, in dialogue with us, into an elegant and beautiful brochure.

Hogne says that the best thing about the brochure is that it's just not for print.

– The brochure is also available digitally. That way we can add links to it in both our e-mail signatures, as well as via web pages and other digital media. We can also add the link address in research papers, reports, articles, information material and business cards. The digital edition can also be updated in a different way than you you are able to do with traditional printed brochures.

You can already view the brochure:

The front page of the High North Center brochure