External funding is an important source of income to enable excellent research in a number of disciplines. Grants from the Norwegian Research Council, the EU and other international funders, ministries and directorates, regional research funds, counties and municipalities also lay the foundation for collaborations at regional, national and international level.
FSV has the ambition to increase its research activity. As of today roughly 1/3 of projects are funded through the Norwegian Research Council, ¼ through the EU and other foreign funders, 1/5 of ministries and directorates and an equal number of regional research funds, counties and municipalities.
Norwegian Research Council (NRC)
- Diversity and Internationalization at Nord University – Workplace Inclusion and Career Development
- Words and Violence: Literary intellectuals between democracy and dictatorship 1933-1952
- School absence in Norwegian primary schools – understandings and responses
- Indigenous homemaking as survivance: Homemaking as cultural resilience to the effects of colonization and assimilation
- ECCO – Co-creation: Expectations, Challenges and Coping Strategies in Norwegian Local Governments
- Turbgov – Collaborative Strategies for Robust Governance in Turbulent Times
- UrbanMine: Institutionalization processes in times of circular green transitions
- Balanceproject
- Co-production and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in regional and local planning
- Development of smart learning games in the financial industry
- Competitive Flexibility
- TRUSTSTATE – Understanding the Role of Trust in the Institutions of the Welfare State
- Sustainable Rural Environments: Practicing, Managing, and Performing the Gendered Outfields
- Socio-spatial inequality among families with children with disabilities who are entitled to cash benefits and welfare services
- Voluntary organizations in local emergency management
Foreign funders
- Uartic læra
- Thematic network of social work
- Truth and Reconciliation in the Nordic Countries
- JUSTNORTH – Toward Just, Ethical and Sustainable Arctic Economies, Environments and Societies
- ROBUST – Crisis Governance in Turbulent Times – Mindset, Evidence, Strategies
- Lost Millenials
Ministries and directorates
- The Nightingale Positive Role Models
- Relevant management education for varying labor market and new student groups
- Editorial relevance in Journalism education
- Further education in financial counseling