Emnebeskrivelse for 2024/25
Forretningsmodeller for sirkulær økonomi
Emnebeskrivelse for 2024/25

Forretningsmodeller for sirkulær økonomi


Our economy is largely based on a make-use-dispose model that currently uses more resources than our planet can provide and causes pollution of our natural environment (e.g. plastic pollution). But in the world, where the goals of circularity still seem illusive, governments are enacting changes that gear the economies to transition to a circular economy and a more sustainable future. Thus, also businesses are increasingly relying on circular economy principles and new business models are emerging. This course provides competencies on the different principles of circular economy, on the opportunities that can be gained from closing loops, on gearing business models towards more circularity, on being able to recognize and overcome barriers (such as ingrained consumerism and inherent risks presented by being an early adopter of circular solutions), on how sharing economy can be applied on how companies, with collaboration of other stakeholders, can contribute to the circular economy transition.

The role of innovation will be explored, from the contribution of new technical innovations (including integrating new digital solutions) to creating new business opportunities - such as those based on selling services instead of products, product design, maintenance, repair, reuse, and remanufacturing, refurbishing, repurposing, efficient resource usage and recycling. We also examine the various new emerging issues businesses face today, such as the extended producer liability. The course will use a case-based format, integrate guest lecturers from policy and industry, as well as include visits.

Det er mulig å søke opptak til emnet som enkeltemne. Det tas forbehold om ledig kapasitet på emnet. Søkeren må oppfylle gjeldende opptakskrav for Master of Science in Business.

Mer informasjon om enkeltemneopptak og frister


  • Advanced knowledge about circular economy principles and business models for circular and sustainable business;
  • Knowledge about the application of circular business models and theoretical perspectives in circular businesses across different contexts;
  • Knowledge about how innovation processes can transform businesses and industries towards a circular economy.


  • To analyze the complex interplay between the economic, social, environmental issues within circular business models.
  • To analyze and critically assess foundations of circular business models within and across different sectors.
  • To apply knowledge to manage an independent analysis of a circular business model and be able identify, analyze and construct solutions for a given problem.
  • To identify and evaluate innovative opportunities for value-creation from adapting circular economy principles within and across different sectors.

General competence

  • can analyze opportunities and challenges of circular business models and it significance for business in different contexts;
  • can demonstrate their communication skills by providing convincing arguments to act as an circular business expert in different decision-making situations of a business;
  • can display their creativity in designing and implementing circular economy innovation in new and established businesses and demonstrate understanding of its impact across the wider ecosystem.
Utover semesteravgift og pensumlitteratur forutsettes det at studenten disponerer en bærbar datamaskin.
Lectures, case studies, and group discussions

Sammensatt vurdering, karakterregel Bokstavkarakterer

  • Skriftlig skoleeksamen, 4 timer, teller 60/100 av karakteren, karakterregel Bokstavkarakterer
  • Oppgave - gruppe 2-3 studenter, teller 40/100 av karakteren, karakterregel Bokstavkarakterer

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