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PhD programme

PhD in Science of Professions

Programme description

The PhD in Science of Professions is a 3-year full-time programme that includes a training component and research work at a high scientific level. The programme highlights current, socially relevant issues that put the field of professional practice at the centre, and will contribute to innovative processes in professions. The programme is regionally anchored, shall be nationally preferred and internationally recognised, and will generate new knowledge relevant to national policy in health and education, among other things. The interdisciplinary study programme is jointly managed by the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences (FSH) and the Faculty of Education and Arts (FLU) at Nord University.

The PhD in Science of Professions consists of two parts: a training component (30 ECTS) and independent research work of a high international standard, which is concluded with a PhD thesis, trial lecture and public defence. Together with the work on the thesis, the training component shall provide the necessary professional specialisation and breadth.

Through the mandatory course in ‘Science of Professions, with a focus on language, relationships and actions’, the candidates will acquire knowledge, skills and general competence within the discipline of the science of professions. In addition, complex and relevant methodologies and methodological approaches will be used in the research project. 

The courses, seminars and other activities in the programme will develop students’ competence to critically analyse, synthesise, systematise and plan research, and in placing their research in a national and international context. 

The training component builds on the academic competence that the PhD candidate has acquired through previous studies. The training component provides candidates with knowledge, skills and general competence to support their thesis work and further research.

In consultation with the supervisor, the candidate prepares a plan for the training component, indicating which courses will be taken and in which semesters. The individual training plan must be approved upon admission to the PhD in Science of Professions, but can be changed upon application. The candidates must pass all the courses in the training component in order to have their thesis assessed.
The PhD programme’s training component consists of mandatory and elective courses, as well as mandatory activities. This part of the course includes minimum 30 ECTS, made up of courses at PhD level: 20 ECTS mandatory courses and 10 ECTS elective courses.

The course PRO9014 Science of Professions, with a focus on language, relationships and actions (7.5 ECTS credits) must be taken at Nord University. Candidates can complete other mandatory and elective courses at another faculty or institution, including international research courses.

Candidates must complete a minimum of 10 ECTS in research methodology courses and 5 ECTS in philosophy of science courses.

Elective courses can amount to a maximum of 10 ECTS, and candidates are free to choose between substantive courses of relevance to the research project and additional courses in research methodology or philosophy of science.

The courses in the training component are tailored to the PhD programme, and candidates are therefore encouraged to take the courses on offer. An overview of the courses can be found in the programme description. Where a course has participants who do not speak a Scandinavian language, the language of instruction will be English.  

​Mandatory activities in the training component consist of:  

  • Completed start-up, midway and final seminar (see separate section) 
  • Internationalisation (see separate section) 
  • Annual reporting

​Start-up seminar​
All candidates who have been admitted since the previous seminar must participate in the start-up seminar. 

The start-up seminar provides the PhD candidates with an opportunity to discuss their project and debate methodological and thematic issues in the initial phase of their work on the thesis. Moreover, the seminar will introduce the candidates to the programme and the university community and help them establish contacts with relevant research groups, including contacts across the two faculties. Attendance at a seminar such as this will facilitate contact between candidates who are at the same stage in their work. The candidates’ presentations will be based on their own project outline and position at the time in question.

Midway seminar
All candidates must participate at a midway seminar during their third semester (the fourth semester for those whose required duties amount to 25% of the programme period). 

The objective of the midway seminar is for candidates to get an outside perspective on the work they have done so far and on the project as a whole. The evaluation committee consists of two internal members, both proposed by the main supervisor.

Approximately three weeks before the midway seminar, the candidate must complete the ‘Candidate’s Report to the Midway Seminar’, with relevant attachments, and send it to the evaluation committee.

Final seminar
Approximately three months before the planned submission date for the thesis, all candidates must attend a final seminar. The objective of the final seminar is to quality assure the draft thesis before submission and to provide feedback to the candidate with a view to enhancing the quality of the thesis. The committee that provides feedback on the work consists of one internal and one external member, both proposed by the main supervisor.

The final seminar is open to all interested parties.

Internationalisation and support for international mobility
Each year, candidates have the opportunity to attend a seminar about internationalisation issues. Follow the link, annual planning cycle. The faculties provide administrative support and opportunities to apply for funding for international mobility. The period abroad must be spent at a recognised education or research institution, or some another relevant organisation, where it is possible to work with the subject areas in the research work/thesis. If this is not possible, candidates can spend time at another educational institution in Norway.

The Working Committee can also consider other arrangements that enable candidates to gain insight into alternative academic and research traditions relating to the topic of the thesis. In addition to international mobility, the faculties also invite guest researchers and facilitate the candidate's inclusion into international networks.

​Progress report
All candidates must submit an annual progress report, and will receive a link to the online form to be completed in December. The candidates report their status and a self-assessment of their progress, as well as any deviations from the progress plan, publishing activity, exchange periods abroad and completion of the PhD courses.

The research component consists of work on an academic thesis. The thesis must be an independent scientific work that meets international standards in terms of academic level, methods and ethical requirements, with the inclusion of technology and innovative approaches where relevant. The thesis must generate new academic knowledge and be of a standard that merits publication as part of the body of specialist literature in the field, see the Regulations relating to the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at Nord University.

The thesis can either take form of an extended abstract (“kappe”) including a minimum of three academic articles (article-based thesis) or a monograph. The thesis must be written in English or a Scandinavian language. See the supplementary guidelines for the PhD in Science of Professions​

Upon admission to the PhD programme, candidates will join a research group that gives them access to a research community. The research groups associated with the PhD programme​ organise interdisciplinary and monodisciplinary seminars that provide opportunities for networking. Participation in a research group and at seminars help candidates develop the ability to critically reflect on their own and others' research, and provides a platform for presenting and discussing their own research work, and for dissemination of their own research.

Overview of relevant publication channels​​ – this list is not exhaustive. (In Norwegian). Form for Declaration of co-authorship for papers incorporated in thesis​.

Submission and public defense
Information on submission of PhD thesis and public defense​ - PhD in professional science. Here you will find information on, among other things: Submission and printing of the thesis, co-author declaration and final approval of the training plan, application for assessment and trial lecture and defense.

Forms and information for supervisors and the assessment committee

​Rejected thesis
Sometimes it happens that a candidate gets their thesis rejected. Then the candidate either gets a maximum of 3 months for a minor reworking of the thesis (see Supplementary guidelines §15.4), or the candidate must submit a new thesis after a minimum of 6 months (see Supplementary guidelines §15.5). 

A guide has been made for candidates whose thesis has been rejected​.

On completion of the PhD in Science of Professions, the candidate should have achieved the following learning outcomes, defined as knowledge, skills and general competence, within the science of professions, limited to one or more of the focus areas of language, relationships and actions:

The candidate:   

  • is at the forefront of knowledge in the science of professions at a high international level, within one or more of the focus areas of language, relationships and actions
  • is able to make independent and innovative contributions to the development of new knowledge and theory within the science of professions
  • has extensive knowledge of relevant dissemination channels for the science of professions
  • has mastered critical and independent reflection on relevant theory, issues, the philosophy of science and methods
  • has in-depth knowledge of research ethics, including legislation and regulations


The candidate:   

  • ​is able to critically and independently address complex questions relating to the science of professions and challenge established knowledge and practices in this field
  • is able to critically and independently assess and explain the appropriateness and application of various methods and processes in research projects, as well as explain the limitations of methodologies used
  • is able to conduct research at a high international level through own research project 
  • is able to formulate research questions, and plan and execute research projects and innovation processes of a high academic standard using relevant technology
  • is able to critically and independently initiate, conduct, evaluate and disseminate research, and discuss the implications of the research for professions and society

​General competence:   

The candidate:   

  • ​is able to identify, critically assess and discuss relevant academic and ethical issues in their own and others’ research, and conduct their own research with academic integrity
  • is able to lead complex interdisciplinary work and projects in an independent manner and in collaboration with others
  • is able to disseminate research through recognised, and preferably open access, national and international channels
  • is able to critically assess the need for innovation and research with societal relevance and initiate this
  • is able to actively participate in discussions in national and international forums, and contribute expert input to the public discourse  

For admission to the PhD programme, applicants must hold a Master degree of 120 ECTS or the equivalent, as well as basic professional training at Bachelor or Master level in health, social or educational studies.

Candidates with a Master degree of 120 ECTS who do not have basic professional training at the Bachelor or Master level in the aforementioned studies may be considered for admission following an individual assessment of whether their proposed project is relevant to professional practice and can be linked to practice.

Application requirements – Project description and appendices

The application must include:

  • ​Documentation of the qualifications and experience on which admission is to be based.
  • A project description that includes:

- An account of the academic content of the project. Applicants must show in their project application that their project focuses on professions and has relevance for the practice field.
- Projects must address one or more of the areas of language, relationships and actions in light of professional practice.
- An account of the permissions from research ethics committees and/or other authorities that the project is subject to.
- Progress plan.
- Funding plan for the project.
- Documentation of any special needs for academic and material resources.
- Any plans to undertake an exchange period at another institution.
- Plan for dissemination of research.
- Information on any intellectual property limitations needed to protect the rights of others.
- The project description must indicate whether the project is dependent on permission from research ethics committees or other authorities or from private individuals (informants, patients, parents, etc.). Such permissions should be attached to the application, where possible.
- The project must include a data management plan​.

The application should include:
- Plan for the training component, including training in general competence according to the Norwegian Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.
-Proposal for at least one supervisor, and the main supervisor must as a main rule be a permanent member of the academic staff at Nord university (FLU or FSH), as well as an indication of any affiliation with an active research group.​
- A stipulation of which language the thesis will be written in, see section 11-1.
-  An account of any legal or ethical issues that the project raises and how these can be addressed. 

Applicants whose weighted average in their master’s degree is lower than a ‘B’, may qualify for admission by virtue of, for example, their contribution to a peer-reviewed article as a first author or participation in a research project relevant to the subject area. Applications must document the applicant’s basic scientific understanding and insight, reflection, independence and analytical thinking.

Appendices to the application:
- Project description​
- Data management plan​
- Progress plan
- Copy of relevant transcripts (Bachelor and Master degree)
- Documentation of funding (letter of allocation, letter of employment as a research fellow, or confirmation from employer institution)

Other appendices where applicable
- Approval from the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics, the Norwegian Centre for Research Data or other relevant body. Plan for application process if approval has not yet been granted.
- Where the amount of time to be spent on the project during your funding period will vary, a funding plan must be attached, showing the percentage of working hours that will be spent on the PhD project per year/semester.

Further information about applying for a PhD in Science of Professions is given in our supplementary guidelines.

Processing of the admission application
Applications for admission to the PhD in Science of Professions must normally be submitted at least three months after the start of the funding period.

Admission applications are processed by the Working Committee​ for the PhD in Science of Professions, which gives its recommendation to the dean, who then makes the final decision on admission. The Working Committee meets every second Wednesday, in even-numbered weeks. Applications with the required attachments must be received by the Working Committee at least one week before the meeting date. Applications are processed in accordance with the supplementary guidelines for the PhD in Science of Professions. See also the Division of labour between the deans of the two faculties – PhD in Science of Professions.

Admission agreement for the PhD in Science of Professions
Once an offer of admission has been made, the candidate must complete the Admission agreement for PhD programmes at Nord University. The candidate, supervisors and dean must sign the agreement before it is returned to the administrative coordinator at the faculty.

Transition rules
Candidates admitted to earlier programme descriptions  (for the PhD in Studies of Professional Practice) must follow the transition rules for the PhD in Science of Professions​. 

​Being a candidate in the PhD in Science of Professions programme is an exciting, challenging, interesting and busy period. Documents have been drawn up to create a framework and structure, and to provide help with everyday life as a PhD candidate.

Candidates are advised to familiarise themselves with the following documents:

​Supervision of candidates
All PhD candidates have the right to receive supervision on their PhD project, and they are expected to have regular contact with their supervisor.

The supervision relationship starts during the preparation of the project description. The main supervisor and co-supervisor are formally appointed at the same time as the candidate is admitted to the PhD programme. 

The relationship between the supervisor and candidate is also regulated through the Admission agreement for the PhD in Science of Professions​ at Nord University.

Interdisciplinary development forum (TUF)
The TUF is an important arena for all PhD candidates. It organises a minimum of three activities each year, e.g. seminars, conferences etc. The forum is responsible for holding the annual PhD conference. All events organised by the TUF are intended to contribute to the further development of the PhD in Science of Professions. 

​Annual PhD conference
In the annual PhD conference organised by the TUF, candidates have the opportunity to present their work. They can also get involved as panel members at other candidates’ presentations. An inspiring external lecturer is also invited each year. 

The library and its resources
Information on research support can be found on the library’s home pages.

Research schools
In addition to the options at the institutions, PhD candidates can attend research schools, which provide a high-quality and extremely beneficial arena for professional practice within the relevant sectors.

Several of our research fellows have attended one of the following research schools:

PROFRES is a national research school within the professional disciplines of health, welfare and education, where the focus is on professions and has relevance for the practice field. The school was founded as a result of a collaboration between Nord University, Agder University, Stavanger University and the University of South-Eastern Norway, in partnership with several colleges and research institutions throughout the country.

MUNI-HEALTH-CARE​ offers research education specifically aimed at the municipal health and care services, and is a supplement to existing PhD programmes at universities and colleges.

​The national Norwegian Graduate School in Mathematics and Science Education has been established with a view to ensuring that postgraduate students in these subject areas are well-equipped for the tasks they will face in research and other types of work. The research school is hosted by Agder university, but with Nord university as a partner.

NorDoc​, Nordic Doctoral Training in Health Sciences.

Sickness, leave and extension of right to study
If you fall ill, you must contact both your supervisor and your immediate superior. As a PhD candidate, you can apply for leave, for example in cases of childbirth, or for sick leave of more than 14 days. This will also allow you to apply for an extension of the study period.

Own illness or a child's illness, self-reported or documented with a doctor's certificate, provides grounds for applying to extend the PhD period.

More information:
Section 2-3, Regulations concerning terms and conditions of employment for the posts of post-doctoral research fellow, research fellow, research assistant and resident​ (in Norwegian)​
Employee Handbook – Nord University​ (requires access to Nord University’s intranet)

Autumn 2024

PRO9014 Science of professions, focusing on language, relations and actions, 7,5 ECTS

  • Course responsible: Professor Mette Spliid Ludvigsen
  • Lectures: Week 36 – physical lectures Bodø Monday 2., Tuesday 3., Wednesday 4., Thursday 5. September. Week 40 - digital lectures Monday 30. September, Tuesday 1. October.
  • Exam - Handing in assessment. Deadline Friday 18. October at 14:00 - in Inspera. 
  • Compulsory course for students admitted to PhD in Science of Professions. Elective course for others, who meet the requirements.

Application deadline - 8.July, 2024 Application form PRO9014 autumn 2024   


PRO9015 Philosophy of Science and Research Ethics, 5 ECTS

  • Course responsible: Professor James McGuirk
  • Lectures: Week 45 - physical lectures Bodø - Monday 4., Tuesday 5., Wednesday 6., Thursday 7. November Week 49 – Digital lectures - Monday 2. December
  • Exam – Handing in assessment. Deadline Friday 3. January 2025, kl 14:00 in Inspera.
  • Compulsory course for students admitted to PhD in Science of Professions. Elective course for others, who meet the requirements.

Application deadline 9.September, 2024 Application form PRO9015 autumn 2024  


PRO9019 Professional development and innovation, 5 ECTS

  • Course responsible: Professor Yvonne Hilli
  • Lectures: Week 48 (2024) – physical lectures in Bodø - Wednesday 27. and Thursday 28. November. Week 5 (2025) – digital lecture Tuesdag 28. and Wednesday 29. January (Zoom)
  • Oral exam – digital (Zoom) Week 8 (2025) – Wednesday 19. February
  • Optional course for students admitted to PhD in Science of Professions. Elective course for other, who meet the requirements.

Application deadline: Wednesday 2.October 2024 Søknadsskjema PRO9019 høst 2024 / vår 2025


Spring 2025

PRO9016 Video-observation and analyze, 5 ECTS

  • Course responsible: Professor Wenche Rønning
  • Time for lectures and exam will come

Application form PRO9016 spring 2025 


PRO9020 Design and methods, 5 credits

  • Course responsible: Professor Jessica Marianne Aspfors
  • Lectures: Week 4: Monday 20 January, Tuesday 21 January. Week 8: Monday 17 February, Tuesday 18 February. Kl 09:00 - 16:00. Digital lectures.
  • Exams: Three (3) assessment tasks (AK1, AK2, AK3) - (Check course description for more info). Oral examination - 10 March, 11 March, 12 Marsh 2025.

Compulsory course for students admitted to PhD in Science of Professions. Elective course for other PhD students 

Application deadline: 25 November 2024. Application form for PRO9020 Spring 2025


New courses in methodology will come for spring 2025. They will replace PRO9013 Design and methodology, 7,5 ects.

Design and methodology, 5 ects

  • Course description and time for lectures and exam will come.

Quantitativ methodology, 2,5 ects

  • Course description and time for lectures and exam will come.

Qualitativ metodology, 2,5 ects

  • Course description and time for lectures and exam will come.


Under the auspices of TUF, a PhD conference will be organized every year. All candidates have the opportunity to present their projects. All candidates can also try to participate as moderator / co-chair during other candidates' presentations. Each year, an exciting external lecturer will also be invited.

PhD-Conference 2025

  • Target Group: Candidates at PhD in Science of Professions, starting in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025
  • Time and place: The conference will take place Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 of March 2025
  • The conference will be located at Campus Mørkved in Bodø.
  • Language: The conference language will be English

Participation with activity:

  • Students started PhD autumn 2024 og Spring 2025: Participate with abstract and pitchtalk with electronic poster.
  • Students started PhD autumn 2023 og Spring 2024: Participate with abstract and flashtalk with PowerPoint-slides
  • Students started PhD from autumn 2020 till Spring 2023: Participate with either Abstract and 10 minutes Oral presentation with PowerPoint-slides or to be a Chair at one of the presentation sessions 

Deadlines and important dates:

  • 1 December 2024 - Sign on and possibility to hand in your abstract, opens
  • 1 February 2025 - Deadline for handing-in abstracts – Sign-on-form
  • 1 March 2025- Deadline for Sign-on for those who participate without activity
  • 19 and 20 March 2025 - The conference.



  • Those of you participating with pitchtalk, flash talk or oral presentation, have to hand in an abstract in the Sign-on-form 


  • All candidates starting from 2020 till spring 2025 in the PhD program, and representatives from DU, AU and TUF’s working committee, are invited to participate in the PhD conference. Costs in connection with participation are covered by FSH/ FLU, according to the state’s rates. Supervisors and professors are welcome to participate in the conference’s academic program. 


  • All participants (candidates, Key-note-speakers, DU, AU, TUF’s operating committee) are invited to lunch on both days, as well as dinner on Wednesday evening. All meals are at the Nord university canteen, Mørkved. Registration in the Registration Form 

Theses from PhD in Science of Professions – You can search for Theses in Oria​​


  • Nr. 65 - 2024 Tone Rove Nilsen - Children’s Opportunities for Play in Early Childhood Education and Care: A multimethod study of practices facilitating children's play through play materials in physical indoor environments.
  • Nr. 64 - 2024 Hilde Munkeby – Dårlig samvittighet hos sykepleiere. En multimetode studie om sykepleieres erfaring med dårlig samvittighet i sykehjem og hjemmebasert omsorg.
  • Nr. 63 - 2024 Inger Margrethe Tronstad - Å sette foten varsamt ned -og sette djupe spor. Friluftslivslærarar sin profesjonskunnskap om mellommenneskelege prosessar på tur.
  • Nr. 62 - 2024 Ørjan Hattrem - Teaterkunstneren og de kunstneriske idéene. Om skuespillere og andre teaterkunstneres utvikling av bærende kunstneriske idéer i samskapende teaterproduksjoner.
  • Nr. 61 - 2023 Hilde Kjelsrud - Pedagogisk observasjon som læringsaktivitet i trafikklærerutdanningen.
  • Nr. 60 - 2023 Olav Levin Johansen - Identitet, selvforståelse og yrkesidentitet. En studie av egne erfaringer som fengselsførstebetjent i spenningsfeltet mellom hjelp og grensesetting.
  • Nr. 59 - 2023 Moonika Raja - Societal Digital Demands and Needs in Healthcare Services: Viewing the Dignity of Adults Aged 75 Years and Older.
  • Nr. 58 - 2023 Anke Zondag - Improvisation: A Playful Pressure to Speak. A study into student teachers’ experiences with facilitation of spontaneous English speech and the development of speaking confidence in English.
  • Nr. 57 - 2023 ​Rune Kjøsen Talsnes – Optimizing endurance training and performance development in cross-country skiing
  • ​Nr. 56 - 2022 Julie Lysberg - Læreres teamsamarbeid mot mer nyanserte forståelser. En studie av læreres interaksjoner i teamsamarbeid og deres refleksjoner om samarbeidet og muligheter for egen læring
  • ​Nr. 55 - 2022 ​Hanne Leirbekk Mjøsund - Physical Activity in Older Adults: Exploring Healthcare Professionals’ Judgments in the Context of Reablement
  • ​Nr. 54 - 2022 ​Jannike Lie Karlstad - «Seile sin egen sjø» En kvalitativ studie om å være forelder eller søsken til en voksen kvinne med spiseforstyrrelse
  • ​Nr. 53 - 2022 ​Nicole Grynning Rezende - Every Coin Has Two Faces: Obstetricians’ Practices, Experiences, and Perceptions in a Multifarious Reality of Cesarean Births in Bahia, Brazil
  • ​Nr. 52 - 2022 ​Solveig Salthammer Kolaas - Samkunst som meningsskapende tilnærming ​– en mixed methods studie om valgfaget produksjon for scene
  • ​Nr. 51 – 2022 ​Even Næss – Ledelse og det gode liv. Ledelse i kunnskapsintensive organisasjoner
  • ​Nr. 50 - 2022 ​Ida Pape-Pedersen – Pedagogkroppen. En studie av kroppslig profesjonskunnskap(ing) i barnehagen
  • ​Nr. 49 - 2022 ​Leonie Isabelle Johann  – Facing educational Challenges in Molecular Life Science – A thesis to reconstruct Cell Membrane Biology for Upper Secondary Teaching and Learning
  • ​Nr. 48 - 2022 ​Line Dverseth Danielsen – Idrettsledelse og coaching av kvinnelige spillere på toppnivå: Å lede kvinnelige toppfotballspillere – En studie av trener- og lederroller i et profesjonsperspektiv
  • ​Nr. 47 - 2022 ​Ingrid Elden – Lærerpraksiser i mangfoldige klasserom. En kvalitativ studie av samhandling i grunnskole for voksne
  • ​Nr. 46 – 2022 ​Marianne Kollerøs Nilsen – Å ta beslutning om behovsmedisin. En kvalitativ studie om hvordan beslutningstaking praktiseres i forbindelse med bruk av behovsmedisin, i kommunale omsorgsboliger for eldre
  • ​Nr. 45 -​ 2022 ​Ingvill Bjørnstad Åberg -  Othering in the age of “diversity”. Cultural, ethnic and racial categorisations in education policy and social studies.​
  • ​Nr. 44 - 2021 ​Trude Jægtvik – Bevegelser som berører: En studie i folkehelsearbeid om kvinners kroppslige erfaringer med magedans.
  • ​Nr. 43 - 2021 ​Kathrine Moen - Kjærlig kamp. En analyse og drøfting av barnehagelæreres dømmekraft i situasjoner med verdimotsetninger mellom foreldre og ansatte i barnehager med religiøst mangfold.
  • ​Nr. 42 - 2021 ​Karin Oddbjørg Kippe - Barnehagen som arena for barns fysiske aktivitet. En mixed methods studie av 4-6 åringers og ansattes fysiske aktivitetsgrad i barnehagen, ansattes syn på fysisk aktivitet, og det pedagogiske miljøets kollektive bevissthet og praksis for å fremme aktivitet blant barna.
  • ​Nr. 41 - 2021 ​Ola Buan Øien - Understanding musical leadership in light of performative and pedagogical practices from a hermeneutic practice ecological perspective.
  • ​Nr. 40 - 2021 ​Marianne Brattgjerd - Standardisering av sykepleie. Hvordan påvirkes profesjonsutøvelsen? En kvalitativ studie med utgangspunkt i en standardisert tiltaksplan til døende pasienter.
  • ​Nr. 39 - 2021​ ​Trude Anita Hartviksen - Health care middle managers’ development of capacity and capability for leadership: the complex context experienced as a conflicting practice
  • ​Nr. 38 - 2021​ ​Svein Bergem - Aktivitetshjelpemidler, kunnskap og deltakelse. En studie om barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser og foresatte sin erfaring, i møte med ulike aktører og tjenesteytere sin kunnskap og forståelse.
  • ​Nr. 37 - 2021 ​Hilde Kristin Mikalsen - Fysisk aktivitet i overgangen fra barndom til ungdom. En mixed methods studie om ungdoms fysiske aktivitetsnivå, iver for fysisk aktivitet og meningsskapende erfaringer fra kroppsøving, organisert idrett og selvorganisert aktivitet i fritiden.
  • Nr. 36 - 2020​ ​Marina Prilutskaya Use of Students’ Linguistic Resources in Teaching English as an Additional Language in Norway: An Empirical Study.
  • ​Nr. 35 - 2020 ​Rita Solbakken Omsorg for pasienten- kjernen i sykepleieledelse. En hermeneutisk studie fra sykepleielederes perspektiv i kommunehelsetjenesten.
  • ​Nr. 34 – 2020 ​Andreas Ribe-Nyhus Indre og ytre soning.
  • ​Nr. 33 - 2020 ​Bente I. Borthne Hvidsten Begrepet konsentrasjonsvansker og dets sensus communis. Siste års lærerstudenters, erfarn​e læreres og rådgiveres oppfatninger av og erfaringer med det operative begrepet konsentrasjonsvansker.
  • ​Nr. 32 - 2019 ​Lisbeth Drejer Dybro Fornemmelser, fortællinger, faglighed – om at fortælle skærpet dømmekraft frem. Et studie af sygeplejerskers fortællinger om egen praksis​.
  • ​Nr. 31 - 2019 ​Marit Synnøve Krogtoft Praktiske arbeidsformer i norsk på ungdomstrinnet. En studie med utgangspunkt i ungdomstrinnsmeldinga.
  • Nr. 30 - 2019​ ​Katji Lindberg Bara som skapande. Om konstpraktik som meningsskapande och reflexiv process, belyst genom konstlärarens yrkeskunnande.
  • ​Nr. 29 - 2019 ​Oddbjørg Edvardsen Politipatruljens møte med barn som lever med vold i hjemmet. En fenomenologisk undersøkelse av politipatruljens praksis​​.
  • ​Nr. 28 - 2019 ​Maria Strandås Sykepleier-pasient relasjoner som profesjonell praksis. En etnografisk studie om sykepleier-pasient relasjoner i hjemmesykepleie, i en tid av New Public Management.
  • Nr. 27 - 2019​ ​Inger-Lise Magnussen Nærhetsrommet – en sansehage‐pasient‐pleier relasjon: Aksjonsforskning i sykehjem.
  • ​Nr. 26 - 2018 ​Regine Vesterlid Strøm Det usikre sangerlivet. En livshistoriestudie på langs og på tvers i klassiske sangeres sosiale praksis.
  • ​Nr. 25 - 2018 ​Wenche Wannebo Om ungdom og psykisk helse. Ung på hybel, sårbarhet og helsefremming.
  • ​Nr. 24 - 2018 ​Jonny Mækelæ «Den kvasse eggen»: En kvalitativ undersøkelse av relasjoner og samarbeid mellom ansatte og beboere i et bofellesskap.
  • ​Nr. 23 - 2018 ​May Line Rotvik Tverbakk Læreres lesedidaktiske praksiser. En studie av lesing i norsk, naturfag og samfunnsfag på ungdomstrinnet.
  • Nr. 22 - 2018 ​Thomas Dillern Natural Science: a human practice – Expanding the horizon of established practice.
  • Nr. 21 - 2018 ​Natallia B. Hanssen Special educational needs practices in Norwegian and Belarusian preschools.
  • Nr. 20 - 2017 ​Cathrine Fredriksen Moe Hverdagsrehabilitering i praksis. En studie fra spenningsfeltet mellom ulike aktører og interesser.
  • ​Nr. 19 - 2017 ​Solrun G. Holm Knapt med tid i hjemmetjenesten – om kjøreruter, skjulte tjenester og tidspress: En dokumentanalyse av enkeltvedtak og ukeprogram.
  • Nr. 18 - 2017 ​Ann Karin Orset Kunnskapsutvikling i fiksjon og virkelighet. En studie av teaterpedagogers nøytralmaskeundervisning.
  • ​Nr. 17 - 2017 ​Kjersti Sunde Mæhre "Vi må ha hjelp!" Pasienter, pårørende og sykepleiere sine erfaringer fra en forsterket sykehjemsavdeling etter Samhandlingsreformen.
  • ​Nr. 16 - 2016 ​Ove Pedersen "Konseptualisering av entreprenørskap i pedagogiske kontekster".
  • ​Nr. 15 - 2016 ​Dag Ofstad "Den entreprenørielle dannelsesreisen". En kvalitativ studie av læringsprosesser.
  • ​Nr. 14 - 2015 ​Jorunn Hov "De får han aldri". Om erfaringane til pårørande og pleiepersonalet og det som står på spel i møtet mellom heimverda og sjukeheimsverda.
  • ​Nr. 13 - 2015 ​Niklas Hald Skådespelaren i barnteatern. Utmaningar för oss som spelar teater för barn och unga.
  • Nr. 12 - 2014 ​Anne Marit Valle Lærerens intuitive handlingskompetanse.
  • ​Nr. 11 - 2014​ ​Anette Jahnke Insegel till dialog. Skolans matematikutbildning – en studie i fyra praktiker.
  • ​Nr. 10  - 2014 ​Jostein Greibrokk I storm og i stille. En diskusjon av norsklæreres litteraturundervisning.
  • ​Nr. 9 - 2014 ​Ingjerd G. Kymre Å iverksette hud-mot-hud omsorg for premature nyfødte barn og deres foreldre – En undersøkelse av praksisens mening og vilkår fra sykepleieres perspektiv.
  • Nr.  8 - 2013 ​Inger J. Danielsen Handlingsrommets evidens: om praktisk kunnskap i nyfødteintensivsykepleien.
  • Nr. 7 - 2012​ ​Rita Jakobsen Nærvær når identitet er truet - En studie av god omsorg til personer i særlig sårbare situasjoner.
  • ​Nr. 6 - 2012 ​Maria Johansson Skådespelarens praktiska kunskap.
  • ​Nr. 5 - 2012 ​Catrine Torbjørnsen Halås Ungdom i svevet - Å oppdage muligheter med utsatte unge.
  • ​Nr. 4 - 2011 ​Nils Friberg Det ovägbaras tyngd - Vattenfall og ingenjörens roll.
  • ​Nr. 3 - 2011 ​Grete Salicath Halvorsen Relasjoner mellom hjelper og hjelpesøkende - En studie i forståelsens og anerkjennelsens betingelser og utviklingsmuligheter.
  • ​Nr. 2 - 2011 ​Linda Hoel Å gjenopprette orden - En studie av politibetjentens praktiske kunnskap - i et fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk perspektiv.
  • ​Nr. 1 - 2010 Johanne Alteren Følelse er fornuft. Sykepleierutdanningen mellom gjerninger og tekst​.